Send to Kindle by Email
Add personal documents, web content, and other files to your library to read them on your Kindle or in the Kindle app with features like reading progress, notes, highlights, bookmarks, and more.
Your Kindle Device has a unique email address that you can send documents to.
- To find your Send to Kindle email address, go to Manage Your Content & Devices> Preferences > Personal Document Settings.
- Only approved email addresses can send files to your Kindle library. Before sending, make sure the account you’ll use is on your Approved Personal Document E-mail List in your Personal Document Settings.
- Send your file as an attachment to your Send to Kindle email address. You don’t need to include a subject line.
Send to Kindle for iOS
With the Kindle app on your iOS devices, you can easily import content from your phone or tablet. Add personal documents, web content, and other files to your library to read them on your Kindle or in the Kindle app with features like reading progress, notes, highlights, bookmarks, and more.
- Get the latest version of the Kindle app for your iOS phone or tablet.
- Open or select the file you want to send and tap the Share icon.
- Select Kindle in the sharing options.
Send to Kindle for Android
With the Kindle app on your Android devices, you can easily import content from your phone or tablet. Add personal documents, web content, and other files to your library to read them on your Kindle or in the Kindle app with features like reading progress, notes, highlights, bookmarks, and more.
- Get the latest version of the Kindle app for your Android phone or tablet.
- Open or select the file you want to send and tap the Share icon.
- Select Kindle in the sharing options.